Humanity finds itself in the midst of an explosion of new understandings of the universe, as well as an increasingly polarized world of political, ecclesial, and ideological tensions. Where do we find God in this? To what are women religious being called in light of these realities? What is the specific call to those entrusted with leadership at this time? This issue of Occasional Papers will explore these questions and more.


  • Seeing Christianity as a Religion of Evolution & the Implications for Religious Life
    An interview with theologian Ilia Delio, OSF
  • One Person's Journey Toward Evolutionary Consciousness
    Marie McCarthy, SP chronicles her transformative spiritual journey
  • What Does Conscious Evolution Have to Do with Religious Life?  Everything!
    Carol Zinn, SSJ analyzes the evolution of consciousness and conscious evolution and their impact on religious life
  • Visual, Musical, and Poetic Art as Transformative Agents
    Pat Bergen, CSJ explores how art contributes to the evolution of consciousness
  • Managing Change Successfully
    Lynn M. Levo, CSJ offers leaders suggestions for change management within religious institutes
  • Forming Leaders for these Changing Times
    In an interview Eileen Campbell, RSM and Nancy Schreck, OSF reflect on the skills needed for leadership today and how they will be offered in LCWR's new program, Leadership Pathways
  • For your Reflection
    Some reflective statements for leaders and their members to consider after reading this issue of Occasional Papers


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