Love in the Little Moments

By Sharlet Wagner, CSC -- LCWR President-Elect

As we journey through Lent and toward the events of Holy Week, I find myself reflecting on life, on death, and on love in the little moments.

It has been said that religious life embodies a call to love: not the sentimental love of hearts, flowers, and cupids, but the agape love of selfless action for the good of another.

This agape love is a day-to-day work. When I professed perpetual vows, I was deeply touched when the president turned to the congregation and asked, “My Sisters, what is your wish?” and the perpetually professed stood and responded together, “We wish to live and die with her.” I was speaking with one of our sisters afterward and told her what that moment meant to me. She said, “You know, the dying with one another is not really the hard part. It’s the living with one another that will challenge you!” We both laughed, but there was wisdom in her words.  (To continue reading, download the PDF of the newsletter below.)

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