The Winter 2025 issue of LCWR’s Occasional Papers focuses on the theme, “Betrothed to the Unknown.” This phrase, which comes from John O’Donohue’s poem, “The Inner History of a Day,” is an apt descriptor for our commitment to religious life in these times. To live this life fully today requires an ability to be at peace with not-knowing and to experience its mystery without fear, welcoming it as an adventure filled with much to teach us.
In this edition, we explore what helps us to live with the unknown. How do we sustain ourselves over the long haul? How do we find meaning and purpose – when so much seems to be changing with rapidity in the world and in the lives of our own religious communities? How might leaders best encourage and inspire their members to welcome the mystery of these times and be open to its potential?
Writers explore a number of topics including: how to find meaning when living with the unknown, practices and rituals for staying grounded in uncertain times, and our need for one another as we live through change. Also included are interviews with author and public theologian Brian D. McLaren and sociologist Allison Pugh who provide insights about how we might live thrive in these times and what we might be able to contribute to the larger world by how we choose to be in the face of the seismic shifts that appear to be ahead.
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Included in this issue are articles and interviews.
The Illusion That We Have the Ability to See What Will Be
Mary Anne Foley, CND shares her journey of learning to live in the grip of uncertainty -
Wisdom to Live in a Rapidly-Changing, Often Uncertain World
In an interview Brian N. McLaren discusses how to live in world that can seem to be falling apart -
Integrating Our Betrothal to Uncertainty into Our Lives Through Ritual
Pat Kozak, CSJ shows how our capacity to live through change and ambiguity can be enhanced through ritual -
We Kneel Before the Unknown
María Elena Martínez, OSF writes of how the rituals we use give witness to what makes our lives meaningful -
Shaping the Future Through Human Connection
In an interview Dr. Allison Pugh speaks of the need to support connective labor in this time of rapid change -
Finding Meaning Even When What Ahead is Unclear
Maureen O’Connor, OSF describes the challenges and blessings experienced by her community in a time of change -
Accompaniment: A Gift for the Future of the Gospel Mission
Anne Victory, HM offers ideas insights on the call to accompany others in mission -
What Sustains Us in Our ‘Betrothal to the Unknown’
Five leaders share the practices that sustain them or a particular experience that guides how they live their “betrothal to the unknown”
Sheena George, CSJP: Hide-and-Seek
Elizabeth Claris Zwareva, MM: Reconnecting with the Silent, Energy-Filled Center of Self
Pascazia Kinkuhaire, DMJ: Upholding the Covenant of Betrothal
Angela Gertsema, ASCJ: Betrothed to a Mystery: God’s Presence in the Eucharist
Lyan Tri, ACI: Diving into Humanity -
For Your Reflection …
Suggested questions for applying the insights of this issue to one’s own
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