Exploring the LCWR Assembly Pearls
by Jayne Helmlinger, CSJ -- LCWR President
As I sit down to write this column, it has been one month since our wonderful assembly in Scottsdale. Since that time, I’ve been in numerous energizing and stimulating dialogues about all that transpired during those short, yet impactful days together.
The energy I experienced during the assembly has stayed with me. The powerful thought-provoking words of both Sharlet Wagner, CSC, and Pat Murray, IBVM, released a wellspring of challenge and opportunity for us to ponder and act upon as leaders of our congregations.
The work of the Contemporary Religious Life Committee’s Essential Dimensions of Religious Life Leadership, and the Design Team’s Emerging Orientations, have stirred the embers of curiosity and inspiration. In this column, I’ll speak of some of how I’ve taken pieces of our assembly and shared them with my leadership team and with members of my congregation. (Read more by downloading the document below)